
Submitting Articles to Web 2.0 Sites

There are many ways to get links. You can write awesome content that people will want to link to, submit your site to directories, submit press releases, comment on blogs, post on forums, syndicate articles, guest post, etc. But one of the most hassle-free and controllable ways of getting links is by submitting articles to Web 2.0 sites.

What are Web 2.0 sites or Web 2.0 properties? Web 2.0 was a phrase coined after the turn of the millennium to describe the second phase of the internet. The web stopped being a one-way conversation where users consumed information and turned into the social and dynamic space where users would contribute to the information available.

So blogs, wikis and social sites are all parts of the Web 2.0 phenomenon.
However, here we are talking about specifically posting to Web 2.0 sites for the purposes of getting links to your site. To do this you need sites where you can set up a blog or site and post articles with dofollow back links quickly.

Feeder sites:
When you create Web 2.0 properties they should not always be created equally. You should create 3 to 6 “feeder sites” which will link into your money site and will have other Web 2.0 properties linking to them.
Here are the best Web 2.0 sites you can use for your feeder sites:

Hubpages - Once signed up with an account, it is very easy to set up a “Hub” or page. – For those of you who have self-hosted blogs and are familiar with the WordPress interface, setting up and posting to these sites is as easy as pie. - One of the best Web 2.0 sites out there. Started by marketing genius Seth Godin.
So with your feeder site successfully set up and linking back to your money site, you can start linking both to the money site and the feeder sites with other Web 2.0 properties.
The relationship between Feeder sites and Web 2.0 properties

List of Web 2.0 Properties
Here is a general list of other Web 2.0 sites where you can publish articles – or blog posts – with links that can act as a “second layer” of links.
  4. – OK.
  7. – OK.
  8. – OK
  9. – Difficult interface.
  11. – WordPress interface, super easy!
  12. – Nice and easy!
  13. – Nice and easy!
  14. – OK
  15. – Google’s blogging tool, super easy!

What Articles Do You Need?
In order to post to Web 2.0 sites to get back links you are going to need some articles. I like to make these at least 450 words long although some post only 300 word articles. They should also be of good quality and readable.
You should always be posting unique articles.
Further Important Tips for Posting to Web 2.0 Properties

Here is a list of do’s and don’ts for posting to Web 2.0 sites.
  • Don’t cram the articles with links. Say you have 450 word articles, only have one link to the money site on the feeder sites, but maybe two links (one to the money site and one to a feeder site) for a Web 2.0 site.
  • Don’t always use the same anchor text. OK, you are targeting a particular keyphrase but don’t use it all the time, maybe only 40% of the time on the outer layer of Web 2.0 sites. Otherwise use the same keyphrase with words added on or taken away from it (as long as it makes sense) or other relevant keyphrases.
  • Don’t always link to the home page. Don’t have all your links going to the home page particularly on the outer layers of Web 2.0 sites. Link deep. Google likes a site that has people linking to various pages within it.
  • Link out to an authority site. Don’t just link to the same money site. Link out to Wikipedia – you can make it a rel=nofollow link if you want.
  • Add images. Make sure they’re your copyright, relevant and with pertinent file names, captions and alt text.
  • Don’t just post one article and then forget about it. These Web 2.0 sites weren’t set up for you to leave your dirty links on them. They want thriving, quality sites that are constantly updated. And they’ll delete the accounts of people who are obviously link building. Return to the Web 2.0 site a week or two later and post another article, maybe without any links. Keep on topping these sites up with quality, relevant text.
That last point is particularly important.

Article by Rob Cubbon.