Daniels posted a picture of himself holding what he claimed to be a winning Powerball ticket from Nov. 28’s $588-million jackpot.
He shared the image late Nov. 29 on his Facebook timeline.
Under the photo, the caption reads: “Looks like I won’t be going to work EVER!!!! Share this photo and I will give a random person 1 million dollars!”
The supposedly winning ticket, however, is an obvious fake. Not only is it poorly Photoshopped, the numbers were not in numeric order, unlike genuine tickets.
Daniels’ efforts, however, have obviously been good enough to fool more than a few Facebook users.
His post has received more than 1.95 million shares, more than 17,500 comments and more than 35,000 ‘likes.’
There are a number of amusing and naïve posts from Facebook users asking Daniels to consider donating the $1 million to them. Some are quite long-winded in a bid to convince Daniels to choose them:
From Hope Verrill: “ATTENTION Nolan Daniels…. I thinks it’s great what you are doing here on fb.( forget about all the haters!) My name is Hope Verrill and the Oxford Hills area in Maine could really use that money. I just started a Coffee House here in town. We just want to help our community!! The homeless, the sick, the hungry and many other issues to deal with. I have only $600.00 in our account from donations and we need a building to make this happen. Please, please consider He-brew’s Coffee House in your decision. You can contact me with any questions. E-mail at hope.verrill@yahoo.com or right here on fb. You would be doing an awesome deed for this community. And you would always be welcomed here. Thank you for your time. God bless!! –Hope”
From Tara K Kwolek-Scheibel: “Well god blessed you this week! And will continue because you have the right idea! I know someone will be blessed again but by you! Can see that in your smile and eyes! Congratulations! Please bless my family and I will bless my favorite organization—CASA. Court appointed special advocate for child of abusive home!”
Other posters kept it short and sweet:
From Michael Tull: “Show me the million my wife just had my son 6 month ago.”
From Kelvin Davis: “Pick Me! Pick Me! Please.”
From Teri Hamlin: “OMG! What an amazing thing to do! May blessings guide your way! Are you married? Just wondering.”
There were also a large number of posts simply wishing Daniels luck while others took him to task for the hoax.
While there is still no word from Daniels on why he decided to play such a prank, it is widely believed he simply wanted his 15 minutes of fame.
Post from: SiteProNews