
Making Use of Converted Visitors for Social Media

This is an article from Jordan Kasteler in his review of his one year managing visitors. I myself interested in this article. Reposting this article wishes that not only me enjoy it but alsoothe reader of this blog.
Here is his posting

Last year I wrote a post entitled Optimizing Post-Conversion: Maximizing Your "Thank You" Page in regards to how to get the post out of your converting visitors.
I'd like to focus utilizing "Thank You" pages for producing long-term engagement and increasing customer or client lifetime value with converted users by getting them to be a part of your social community.
Social media marketing channels have helped turn "Thank You" pages into opportunities for secondary levels of conversion where you can encourage users to:
  • Become Facebook Fan
  • Follow on Twitter
  • Connect via LinkedIn
  • Review or Rate on Social Local sites
  • Social bookmark or vote on published content
  • etc
There is no one-size-fits-all method of call-to action here. Different sites and verticals need to encourage different social media activities on "Thank You" pages. For example, after capturing a lead a publisher would put focus on Twitter or Facebook acquisition if they did feed syndication on their profile. Adversely, an B2C e-commerce site would likely want to get their visitors to fan or follower on Twitter of Facebook for the reason of contests, coupons, and promotions.

A B2B lead generation site might want influential professionals to connect via LinkedIn. It's important to let your users know why you want them to join and what's in it for them.  

Case Study First, let’s look at the original "Thank You" page, which did include Facebook & Twitter opportunities but didn't have a lot of emphasis on them:

Now, let’s look at the redesign of the "Thank You" page, which puts primary focus on Facebook Fan acquisition versus promoting both Twitter and Facebook equally:

The results:
  • Increased Fan Page uptake from 28 fans per week (a consistent rate for one year) to 300+ fans per week (2+ weeks of ongoing data)
  • Increased the quality of interactions on the Fan Page, where we were encouraged to see prospects asking questions that were fielded by students, admissions, and faculty
  • Increased interaction with blog content, driving traffic to the parent site and making better use of all editorial collateral
Conclusion Your "Thank You" page is one of the best places you can acquire fans and followers since they are already pre-qualified as your target audience. Group them together and get them engaging with each other to create a masterful social media experience.